
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Magicke Outhouse (Silverville Saga, #3) street-releases this week, and we hit 5k visits on our blogsite

Just in time for the street release of our latest book, The Magicke Outhouse (Silverville Saga, #3), coming later this week, and the book-in-hand portion of our on-going Silverville Magicke Book Tour (see this permalink for places, dates, times), we're delighted to announce that our blog has just hit its 5,000th page hit!

We know, we know, small fries to lots of our brethren and sisteren authors -- but hey, for n00bs like us in the world of e-marketing and e-promotion, this is a big landmark. Our goal was to hit this mark in a year, and we did it in exactly 11 months from our launch on Dec. 17, 2012.

But more fascinating to us is YOU, the audience on Write in the Thick of Things (gotta love Google analytics). We found YOU ( and YOU us) through this blog, of course, but also through Google-Plus, Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. A few follow us as fans, but a much bigger cohort get our blog through e-mail -- and a surprising number by keyword searchers who seem to bookmark us and eavesdrop regularly. (No, we don't know who you are except by region -- you can relax: the analytics don't go that deep).

But anywhere from 500-800 of YOU drop by monthly.

Just a few freckles short of 3,000 of YOU are from the US of A -- no surprise there and ThankYou!ThankYou!ThankYou! And YOU're from just about every state in the Union (Colorado is largest, of course, but with inexplicable thickets in Florida, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, and Texas). That's a bit humbling.

More surprising are the international followers --
  • over 400 in Russia (Zdravstvuj!), 
  • another >300 from Germany (Wie läuft's?), 
  • 130+ in Latvia (Sveiki!),
  • <100 in the Ukraine (Vitayu!), 
  • <100 from the U.K. (Hi!), 
and about 40 each from 
  • Canada (Bonjour/Hello!), 
  • Indonesia (Halo!), 
  • China (nǐ hǎo), and 
  • Romania (Salut!), 
and then a smattering from 
  • South America and 
  • Africa 
(and to each of you a hearty "Hello!")

We want to thank each and every one of YOU for your interest in our quirky imagination. We thought when we started, we were writing for ourselves. YOU've all shown us that this isn't the case. And for that, we thank YOU!

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